
Full Metal Alchemist: Muscle friendship

Si preguntamos por los personajes favoritos de Full Metal Alchemist a los fans del bara (hombres musculosos) esto y seguro de que una gran parte contestaran Armstrong o Sig Curtis. Armstrong es quizás es persona más feo de cara de toda la serie, pero muy divertido. Siempre quiere enseñar los músculos y abrazar a todos. Sig Curtis es un secundario, marido de la profesora de los protagonistas. Es muy alto, gordito y tiene unos muy buenos músculos. Cuando ambos se conocieron por primera vez, comenzó una gran amistad... ¿Pero solo eso?

¿No conoces Full Metal Alchemist? Es una de las más famosas series de hoy en dia. Empieza en un mundo donde algunas personas saben como usar la alquimia, un tipo de magia con una sola limitación: La Ley de la Equivalencia. Los personajes principales son dos chicos que intentan resucitar a su madre, pero en vez de eso uno pierde el brazo y el otro el cuerpo entero. El primero sacrifica además su pie para sujetar el alma de su hermano a una armadura. Desde ese dia ambos buscaran la Piedra Filosofal, lo unico que puede saltarse la Ley de la Equivalencia y devolverles sus cuerpos, pero ellos no saben que se veran encueltos en la mayor conspiración contra el mundo.

Sobre el dibujo... estaba pensando todo el tiempo en darle color tipo anime, igual que el de Muten Roshi, pero despues de acabarlo me di cuenta que ese estilo no quedaba muy bien con personajes con tantos músculos, en especial tratandose de un pin up. De todos modos conservo tambien esa versión, si la quereis podeis postear en los comentarios.

If we question about his favorite character in Full Metal Alchemist to all bara (musclemen) fans, I'm sure a big part of them will answer Armstrong or Sig Curtis. Armstrong is maybe a face uglies guy in the series, but is very fun, always looking to show his muscles and hugging everyone. Sig Curtis in a support character, but very poppular cause is very sexy. Is the husband of the main characters teacher, is very tall, fat and have a very nice muscles. That is why that both character meet in first time, they started a great friendshit... ¿but only a friendship?

Do you know about Full Metal Alchemist? Is one of the most popular series of today, it take place in a world when some people know how to use alchemist, a kind of magic than have only one limitation: The equivalent law. The main characters are two boys than tried to revive his mother, but instead that one lost his arm and the other one his full body. The first one sacrificed his leg to stick his brother soul in a armor. Since that day, they are looking for a Philosopher (Sorcerer) Stone, the only thing than can skip the equivalent law and give back his bodies, but they don't know than they will be involved in the bigger conspirance agains the world.

About the drawing... I was thinking all the time to give it an anime color, just like Muten Roshi one, but After to finish it with that style I noticed than characters with that lot of muscles need more shadow layers for a pin up and don't look well. Anyway if you want that version also, you can ask in this post comments.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I know Full metal Alchemist!

Volume of 23, they was met!

Crazylove said...

Yup! I'm sad cause is about to finish!! But the last part is really awesome, really is one of the best series I read/watch ever!

The only thing is... maybe have too much characters, and can't treat all of them the same level. Is too much important characters than appears in the story for a very short time and then seem they just dissapears from that world for very long time or forever. Anyway is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Thx for drawing this. I really like Mr.Curtis.